Plagiarism Policy
Plagiarism Policy
- Definition of Plagiarism
Plagiarism is the act of using someone else's ideas, words, or work without proper acknowledgment. This includes, but is not limited to, copying and pasting text, paraphrasing without citation, and presenting someone else's work as one's own.
- Unacceptable Forms of Plagiarism
The following actions are considered unacceptable forms of plagiarism within the Wah Academia Journal of Health and Nutrition:
- Verbatim Copying:Using someone else’s words without proper quotation marks and
citation. - Paraphrasing without Attribution: Rewriting someone else’s work in your own words without giving proper credit.
- Self-Plagiarism: Submitting work that has been previously published without proper citation and disclosure.
- Unauthorized Collaboration: Submitting work that has been produced in collaboration with others without proper acknowledgment.
- Fabrication:Creating fictitious data or results and presenting them as genuine.
- Originality and Attribution
Authors submitting manuscripts to the Wah Academia Journal of Health and Nutrition must ensure the originality of their work. Proper attribution must be given to the original sources of ideas, words, and data. Any previously published work must be properly cited, and any overlap with the author’s previous work must be disclosed.
- Plagiarism Detection
To maintain the integrity of the journal, submitted manuscripts will be subject to plagiarism detection using appropriate software tools. The editorial team reserves the right to verify the originality of the submitted work.
- Consequences of Plagiarism
If plagiarism is detected in a submitted manuscript, the following actions may be taken:
- Immediate Rejection:The manuscript may be rejected without further review.
- Author Notification: The author will be notified of the plagiarism and given an opportunity to respond.
- Publication Retraction: If plagiarism is confirmed after publication, the article may be retracted, and appropriate notices will be issued.
- Author Blacklisting: Authors found guilty of plagiarism may be prohibited from submitting future manuscripts to the Wah Academia Journal of Health and Nutrition.
- Reporting Plagiarism
Readers, reviewers, and other stakeholders are encouraged to report suspected cases of plagiarism to the editorial office. All reports will be treated with confidentiality.
- Appeals
Authors have the right to appeal decisions related to plagiarism. Appeals should be submitted in writing to the editorial office, along with supporting evidence.
- Review and Revision
This plagiarism policy is subject to periodic review and revision. The editorial team may update the policy as needed to address emerging issues and maintain the highest standards of academic integrity.