Editorial Policy
Editorial Policy
The Wah Academia Journal of Health and Nutrition is a biannual publication, meaning it is issued twice a year. This journal publishes articles, research papers, and scholarly work related to various fields within the Social Sciences domain. Researchers and academics can expect to find new and valuable insights in this journal on a regular basis, as it maintains a rigorous publishing schedule, releasing new issues every six months.
Author’s Guidelines / Criteria
In the Wah Academia Journal of Health and Nutrition, authorship is determined based on substantial contributions to the research and preparation of the manuscript. To be listed as an author, individuals must have made significant intellectual contributions to the conception and design of the study, analysis and interpretation of data, drafting or critical revision of the manuscript, and approval of the final version to be published. All authors are expected to participate in the research process and take responsibility for the integrity and accuracy of the work. In cases where multiple authors are involved, it is important for each author to be able to defend the content and conclusions of the manuscript. The journal follows the International highest standards of publication, to ensure fairness, transparency, and appropriate recognition of authorship contributions. Authors submitting manuscripts to the Wah Academia Journal of Health and Nutrition are encouraged to familiarize themselves with these to maintain the highest standards of academic integrity and collaboration.
The same article cannot be published both in the conference proceedings and in a journal. The Authors are encouraged to submit their manuscript by registering on the website. Or, if facing any problem in using the ojs system, authors are advised to submit their papers in MS Word format via email on info@wahacademia.com. The editors reserve the right to edit articles to conform to the style of the journal. All submitted articles are refereed by academic specialists in the journal's field of coverage.
The following template will be used by authors to format their manuscript:
All articles must be written in English. If English is not your first language, please ask an English-speaking colleague to proofread your article.
Structure of the Article
Title Page
The title of the article should contain no abbreviations or acronyms. The title should be followed by the author’s name, affiliation and E-mail contact.
A 150-to-200-word description of the article
Describe approximately 5 keywords (or phrases) suitable for indexing and on-line search purposes. They should contain all the essential words or phrases of the title and of the abstract.
Format text and paragraph of body in the following style:
- 12-point – Times New Roman
- Double-spaced
- Margins must be 1 inch on all sides
- All pages must be portrait, no landscape
- The pages should be numbered serially
- Length of the paper: Manuscripts should usually be less than 6000 words in length
References should be cited in the text according to the APA style. Ensure that dates, spelling and title used in the text are consistent with those listed in the References.
It is the author's responsibility to ensure where copyright materials are included within an article, and the permission of the copyright holder has been obtained.