Archiving Policy
Archiving Policy
Wah Academia Journal of Health and Nutrition is committed to the long-term preservation of scholarly research. We are proud to be included in the LOCKSS (Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) and CLOCKSS (Controlled Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) archival systems. These initiatives ensure that our content remains accessible and preserved for future generations of scholars.
This utilization of the LOCKSS ("Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe") system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits them to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.
- Purpose
The purpose of this Archiving Policy is to establish guidelines for the preservation, accessibility, and long-term archiving of research articles published in Wah Academia Journal of Health and Nutrition (WAJHN). This policy ensures that the scholarly content published in WAJHN remains accessible and preserved for future generations, supporting the advancement of knowledge in the field of social sciences.
- Preservation Format
Articles published in WAJHN will be archived in widely-accepted, non-proprietary formats to facilitate long-term preservation and accessibility. Preferred formats include PDF/A (Portable Document Format/Archive) and XML (eXtensible Markup Language) to ensure compatibility with future technologies.
- Metadata
WAJHN will provide accurate and comprehensive metadata for each archived article. Metadata will include information such as title, author(s), abstract, keywords, publication date, and Article Identifier to enhance discoverability and citation of the content.