Author's Submissions
Complaint Submission
Recommended Actions
WAH ACADEMIA JHN thinks it’s a legitimate right of the authors to resolve matters amongst themselves.
The complainant must be aware that the rejection is based upon criteria of the journal and not a personal decision. The investigation into the matter cannot be conducted until and unless the editor informs the corresponding author or the institution or company at which the research is conducted.
The editor should mention that the matter to the institution or company responsible for the manuscript, if the author fails to provide reasonable explanation. Though some agencies do not consider the disputes related to the authorship.
It is advised to the editors that they must seek the view / opinions of the third parties who have full knowledge and responsibility of the complainant’s alleged facts.
The complainant must appeal with logical arguments to the editor – in – chief, preferable online to reconsider the decision against the manuscript. The appeal should follow the proper channel.
Appeal Submission
A statement of the journal’s process for authors to submit an appeal
It sometimes happens that the article for some reasons is rejected by the editorial board of the journal. If you receive rejection from the editor of the journal, where you have submitted your manuscript. The immediate decision you have to make is to appeal or not against the decision.
Here we will guide the authors how to proceed it their article is rejected. The best and
smart thing will be to appeal respectfully.
Dealing with a Negative Editorial Decision
The first step is to think cool mindedly what to do and work upon the options you have in your hand. Don’t you make rash decision and be rude. Look closely upon all the options and the merits of the rejection. It depends upon the rules of the journal if they offer resubmission of the manuscript.
Must not forget that appeals are not always successful, it’s a rare opportunity one gets, and only when if you provide new information and solid evidences to address the rejection decision raised by the journal. Your appeal should be very concise and based upon rational arguments, and facts. If the editorial board of the journal has rejected your manuscript upon legitimate concerns about your research, take them into account
You must not take rejection personally. Thus, the words and allegations must not be personal in your appeal. There are criteria for the editorial board and rules and principles which they follow nothing is personal. If one manuscript is rejected it does not mean all of your articles will be rejected too.
The Appeal Letter to Journal Editor
For the Authors:
If the author has decided to contest the decision of the Journal about your paper, you can do so, but only if the editor – in – chief of the journal allows it. Not all of the author can do. If so, you have to search for other options, like submitting your write up to any other journal.
Thus, you have to prepare an appeal properly under certain circumstances, e.g., that the journal has some suggestions specified for it, and is accepting your revised manuscript. In this case, contact the editorial office of the journal, through OJS, and request for another chance to submit your paper.
While writing your appeal, clearly explain why you disagreed with the decision of the journal editorial board, and provide evidences to prove your point. You should NOT in any case repeat the same mistake you have already done in your rejected manuscript. The request should be based upon new and solid information which the editor – in – chief might consider.
When to Submit Your Manuscript to Another Journal:
If despite your all efforts the manuscript is not accepted by the editorial body of the journal, search for other options. It not often that the journals attend to more than one appeal, thus you should consider sending your article to any other journal to avoid waste of time.
Better consult your fellow of the same field about the other journals, if you are not having much information. Your colleagues can guide you to submit your manuscript to a good reputed journal. Look at their requirements and submit. But make sure, you must learn from the past experience and do not repeat the same mistakes owing to which your article was previously rejected. Get assistance from reviewers or your peers to review your manuscript and bring things to logical sequence. Hire a good proofreader and editor to shape your article.
Article Processing and Publication Charges
Wah Academia Journal of Health and Nutrition charges article processing fees. To provide open access, we use a business model in which expenses including those of peer review, journal production, and online hosting and archiving are recovered in part by charging a journal-specific processing and publication fee to the authors for each article they publish. The fee covers part of the handling expenses and thus it is entirely non-refundable.
Article Processing fee: Rs: 35,000/- (National authors) US$ 130 (for an international author)
Why APC?
Publishing process/ Maintenance of Website
WAJHN develops and maintains independent online submission and peer-review website. We also provide various services to the research scholars on which handsome amount is spent.
Publishing Operations
- Triaging—sorting of papers upon submission by internal staff and editorial board members.
- Organization of peer-review— WAJHN provides quality assistance to Editors so that they can focus on editorial decisions. Our in-house editors invite reviewers, collect review reports, communicate with authors and reviewers, correspond with authors about revision, etc.
- Publication—including copy-editing, typesetting, copy-editing XML and PDF conversion, and language editing. WAJHN provides excellent quality English editing for all accepted papers, included in the APC.
- Proofreading—It is a must step to maintain quality of the journal.
- Indexing & archiving— WAJHN has a team dedicated to indexing relations that advise on the eligibility of a journal for application to be indexed in different databases. Our team communicates closely with the contact persons at the different databases and receives regular updates on the status of applications. We dedicate time to keep ourselves up to date on any changes in the evaluation criteria or application procedure.
- WAJHN promotes its journals and articles through sponsorships of conferences, scholarly society events, and other promotional activities, as well as a series of awards to support researchers.
- Management & administration include costs related to salaries of non-editorial staff and other business costs which include CrossRef membership, DOI charges, Portico, and membership of other paid indexing services.
Account Details
- Corresponding authors are advised to contact the editor of the journal about further information of depositing fee into the account, once a manuscript is accepted for final publication. Authors will also receive email Refresher for deposit APC.
Wah Academia Journal of Health and Nutrition (WAJHN) will no longer officially blacklist authors who withdraw their manuscripts before the completion of the peer-review process. However, using peer-reviewed resources without the intent or ability to publish is very problematic and has serious consequences (Withdrawal Policy) for the authors. Before submitting, please make sure you have the necessary funds to pay the APC if accepted.